Wallet Installation Guide

This wallet installation guide assumes you are doing a fresh installation with no previous I/O Coin wallet files on your system. All I/O Coin wallet installation files can be found within the I/O Coin Github Wallet Releases. For quickly syncing the blockchain you can use the bootstrap files.

This wallet installation guide assumes you are doing a fresh installation with no previous I/O Coin wallet files on your computer.

  1. Go to the Wallet Releases page on the I/O Coin Github and download the .exe wallet file.

  2. After downloading the wallet run it to install the wallet. The default location for the wallet is: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\IOCoin

    The default location for the daemon is: C:\Program Files (x86)\DIONS HTML5 Wallet

  3. Navigate to the location where you would like to store your wallet and click Select Folder.

  4. Done! You have successfully installed the wallet and the wallet is now syncing with the I/O Coin blockchain.

To speed up syncing the blockchain you can follow the Bootstrap Installation guide.

Last updated